See Him Ministries Praying and Building - 8/30/16 - Paving the Way

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9

Julmice and the guys began the concrete work on the driveways today! Exciting to see this infrastructure coming together. I love the verse above as we get to boast in our weakness so that Christ's power works through us. For all of you involved with us, you know that it is only through His power that we have come this far. He continues to pave the way for what He has planned - and what He has planned is much more about our new neighbors than it is about anything else! Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!

See Him Ministries - Praying and Building 8/29/16 - Clinics Opening Soon

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. - Romans 1:20

We are excited about how things are progressing with the clinics! We look forward to opening the Medical Clinic in mid-October with the opening of the Eye Center soon thereafter. Please be praying with us as we prepare for these openings. Pray as we finalize our staff that God will continue to send Spirit-filled, servant-minded people.

We are especially excited about what the clinic openings can mean for our impact on the lives of those living in this community and around the area. We continue to pray that God will show us creative, unimaginable, uncomfortable ways that we can invest in building up this community together with our new neighbors for His Glory! We cannot wait to see what He brings our way!

We ask that you pray about how you can join us financially in being a part of bringing transformation into this community spiritually and physically. You can know that you are making a difference in the lives of those in this area who have such great need. If you have not already done so, join us in our 350 for 50 campaign: our goal is 350 individuals/families committing to $50/month or $600/year.

See Him Ministries Summer Camp

Check out these pictures from the recent Summer Camp that was held at Every Eye Will See Him ministries outside of Cap Haitien.  We hosted a sports camp and shared stories of Jesus!  We are excited to see these children grow over the years!  Who knows what He has for them but we do know that He has a plan for them.  We will get the chance to see how He works it out in their lives.  We pray that as they grow they will come to know that this place is a place where they will be loved!  Please pray with us as we continue to search for ways to partner with the entire community so that every eye will see Him.  Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!

EEWSHM Praying and Building 7/31/16

Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.  Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. - Psalm 95:1-2                           

We continue to move closer to opening the clinics!  The pictures show work done to fill in and level some low lying areas as well as preparation for the driveways inside the property.  All of the major construction is done and we are just finishing up the final details.    Please be praying as we continue to assemble the staff.  We are working toward the licensing process with the Department of Health in Haiti.  As you can imagine, all of these processes can be trying but we are so excited because we know that we are so close now!  We are hopeful that we will have the Medical Clinic running by the end of October at the latest.  The Eye Center should open soon after that.  Please just pray for us as we come down this final stretch.  We have purposefully not set any hard deadlines as this just leads to stress most of the time as we don't have control anyway.  We are just waiting on God's timing!  Pray for Spirit-filled, servant-minded people to join our Haitian team.  Pray that God will continue to show us creative ways to reach out to our new neighbors as we do our best to share His love!  Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Team leaves on Friday


Bonnie wrote earlier: "Praises and prayers for Clear Creek's first all high school team to Haiti and the first team to stay at the See Him compound!! We leave tomorrow!"

I am always filled with competing emotions as we begin one of these trips. Uncertainty as we are not exactly sure how things will be fleshed out but excited because God has never failed to show Himself as we surrender our control to His leading.

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20

EEWSHM Praying and Building 5.21.16

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. - John 14:27

These pictures are from a trip this past weekend. We will be bringing a group of 24 in a week from Chattanooga for mobile medical clinic work through churches in northern Haiti. It is exciting to see how things have come along. We are just thankful to be a part of what God is doing in this piece of the world. Please continue to pray for this work as we lean into what God is bringing our way! Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!

Check out latest pictures by opening link below:

EEWSHM Praying and Building 5/13/16

Julmice read Matthew 6:3-4 - But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.

We are SO CLOSE!!! If you have ever been a part of any construction effort, you know that it is the finishing up that can try you the most. The work that has been done by Julmice is AMAZING! He has been working NON-STOP for almost 2 years. I told him that when we finish we are going to take a long, deserved vacation. Please continue to pray for him as he deals with people to contract out work and to finish up on the final details. Lord, please help him to feel your presence and purpose for his life and that he will know that it is through Your strength that all will be accomplished. Amen!

We have had different people on site the past couple of weeks working in the guesthouse and medical clinic. Luckson will be there soon with others to work on the Eye Center and Lord Willing, we will bring a medical team in the last week in May to stay at the guesthouse. Please be praying for these things! Also, continue to prat for Christ-centered, Spirit-filled people to be brought to us to be a part of the team: nurses, grounds/building (Assistant for Julmice), housecleaners, etc.

Check out the pictures of some of the latest work!

EEWSHM Praying and Building 4/23/16

Julmice read Psalm 19:1-2 - The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.

We continue to make progress in the construction phase. For anyone who has been involved in building a house or remodeling, you know the final details can take awhile to finish up. We are moving right along as all structural work is complete and we finish up plaster work, outside tiling and paint. Please continue to pray for us as we work towards completion. We are thankful for how God has provided and are humbled to think about what He has planned for this work in the community.

Please be praying as we begin to look for more people to add to the team on the ground: cooks, housekeeping, security, groundskeepers, etc. Please pray that God will bring Spirit-filled, servant-minded leaders to us for these positions. Pray for the community as we begin to meet more and more of our neighbors. We hope to finish the final work of furnishing and preparing the clinics in the coming months. We are just trusting God through this process which is not always easy as we sometimes want to push and pull and "make things happen". We know that God knows the timing and are confident in His leading!

Last, continue to pray and consider how you might help us financially with ongoing donations. We have put down roots in this commmunity and hope to help many physically, emotionally and spiritually for a long time, God willing. To do this, we need everyone's help. Check out your donation options on our website and make a decision today to invest in this work with us! You will be making a difference in the lives of those who need our help!