See Him Ministries - Hands and Feet of Jesus
Luckson Previl, Mission Director and Board Member shared these thoughts from his recent trip:
"On March 31st-April 2nd, a group of 9 Haitians including myself embarked on a journey to an area south of Cayes to provide relief to our brothers and sisters in need. This was a long 14-hour trip with beautiful breathtaking countryside. The beautiful countryside with blue clear ocean water surrounded by mountains portrayed the greatness of God. We left CAP at 6:00 am and arrived in Cayes at 10:00 pm. Early morning on April 1st, our contacts showed up at our hotel to take us to the village where we would be providing food, building materials and money for small businesses. I have seen poverty and have lived in poverty, but I have not seen it quite this bad. Nonetheless, the people were pleasant. To be honest, I started to question God’s goodness and His plan for these people. Moise quickly reminded me that God sent us to help, and he spared their lives so that these people could see Jesus through us. We hope that possibly through this relief mission, they may find a relationship with Jesus. I wish that I could build new houses for all these people and give them food forever. I was reminded by brother Pierre that I am not those people’s savior, but God is. I must believe that God will take care of them the same way that he spared their lives from Hurricane Matthew. On Saturday, we worked on a couple houses, distributed food, building materials and clothes to over 75 families. After wrestling with all these deep inner questions, I woke the next day with a new plan to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We divided ourselves into 2 groups, and we went from house to house to provide funding for small businesses. These people had no idea who we were and why we were helping them until we told them. We did not tell them our names, we just told them that we were Christians that God sent to their rescue. We prayed with them and provided small business funds to over 40 families. It was a great feeling to see how God worked by sending us to these people that we never planned to go visit. God indeed has a plan for his people, and we just need to be obedient and play our parts as followers and servants of Jesus Christ."
See Him Into the Community
You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away. Psalm 139:2
God knows everything that is happening with See Him ministries even before it happens. In fact, He is orchestrating it all. Beyond the Medical Clinic, beyond the Eye Center, beyond the Guesthouse, He is using this ministry to reach those in need in the local community as well as those far away in the south of Haiti. We are so humbled and excited to just be able to be a part of it and so many of you are a part of it as you pray with us and as you sacrifice through going and giving. The pictures above give a brief snapshot of follow up work in southern Haiti where many are still struggling after the hurricane devastated their communities. Here are some words from Luckson Previl, who has been working at See Him during the month of March and was part of the group who returned to the South to bring some relief: "It was heartbreaking to see the conditions that people are living in. We provided small business funds for 40 families and food, building materials and water to over 70 families." The pictures show some of that work including a house on which they were able to replace the roof. Also in the pictures above, we were thankful to be able to host a 2 day seminar at the Guesthouse for Children of the Promise which is a local organization that cares for some of the most vulnerable in Haiti - infants and young children who may be abandoned, premature, sick and orphaned. We were honored to support them as they gathered to continue to focus on the work that God has called them into.
Thank you God for how you continue to lead and provide!
Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!
Continuing Education Offered at EEWSHM
Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. - Colossians 3:12
See Him Ministries had the opportunity to host continuing education conferences on Saturday for local Haitian physicians and nurses. The speakers were Jerry Myhan, nursing professor at Harding University and Dr. Bob Lawrence, family medicine doctor from Nome, AK. We are thankful to have been able to host 17 physicians and 27 nurses.
We ask you to pray with us as we continue to look for ways to serve the community and to do what we can to help more and more to See Him.
Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!
Better is One Day
Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10
There is no greater feeling than to be able to just sit back and see what God is doing! It is overwhelming to witness how things are unfolding at See Him ministries. Things aren't perfect as there are always obstacles BUT there are so many things for which to be thankful. Julmice and the staff are doing an AMAZING job! The medical clinic is seeing patients and spending time with them in a caring and gentle way that I believe encourages them to understand that they have value as we see them as made in the image of God. This is helping them to See Him! This was my first time to meet the nursing and support staff in the clinic. I am so impressed with them! Please pray for them daily as they are the hands and feet of Jesus to these hurting people. Frantzy and the guesthouse staff are incredible as they serve in the guesthouse to provide a warm and welcoming place for visitors. The groundskeepers and security help to make the property beautiful and safe. Julmice continues to do a FANTASTIC job overseeing it all as the Director of Operations! Please be praying for the Eye Center as we currently have a part time ophthalmologist helping to bridge the time to a full time ophthalmologist. We don't yet know who that person is but we are confident that God does know and we are content to wait on Him. Luckson will be spending the month of March on site and will be providing eye care in the center along with a visiting ophthalmologist from the States. Pray that this will be a productive time and that many will be healed physically and spiritually. Pray also for a continuing medical education opportunity that EEWSHM is hosting on Saturday March 4th. Haitian physicians and nurses will each have sessions directed byAmerican physician and nurse educators. This is an exciting opportunity that we have to welcome local doctors and nurses onto our campus for education as well as to share a bit about Jesus who is our motivation for the work we are doing. We are so thankful for this chance to make a difference in the community through education and quality time spent with the local professionals!
Continue to follow our progress and join us financially by committing to monthly or annual support. See our homepage at for more information!
Thank you so much for your interest! Bobby
What is our response to This Broken World?
O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8
I just finished listening to Lisa Beamer give a chapel talk at Wheaton College. Many of you may remember her as the wife of Todd Beamer who heroically gave his life along with others on the September 11th, 2001 United Airlines Flight 93 that was most likely headed to the White House or Capitol Building in Washington D.C. He with others decided to jump the hijackers in the cockpit and force the plane to the ground before it could reach its intended destination. I encourage you to read more about Todd Beamer on Wikipedia or other resources.
Lisa shared how Todd's death affected her life and the life of her family. Lisa was pregnant and had two other small children at the time of Todd's death. As Lisa was speaking, I could not help but think about the many questions I had asked myself over the years having worked in Haiti nearly 25 years now. I have had trouble reconciling the poverty and pain that I have witnessed as a result of malnutrition, lack of medical care, natural disasters and the list goes on and on. What is going on? Why does this have to happen? Is what we are doing making any difference at all? Lisa ended her chapel talk with the verse from Micah above. The answer that I have come up with at least for where I am in this journey currently is that I have an opportunity to make a small difference in the lives of people that He has put before me. I don't know exactly how that looks for any particular individual but I trust that God will use my meager efforts to work out His plan. Will I do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly? That is what He calls each of us to do, what He requires of us if we choose to follow Him.
I hope that you can see that you have an opportunity to help make a difference in this community in Haiti as well. God gives each of us many opportunities and then we make a choice. As 2016 comes to a close and 2017 lies before us, I want to ask you to consider making a commitment to Every Eye Will See Him ministries this upcoming year and for years to come. Many of you may have a chance to visit personally while others may only be able to participate financially, but either way, together we have a chance to make life changing contributions to many who are struggling every day. We can do our part to help answer some of these difficult questions.
Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision
EEWSHM Praying and Caring - 12/5/16
Scripture read by Julmice - "God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." - James 1:12
We are so thankful that we have opened both the Medical Clinic and the Eye Center and are seeing patients daily now! You may have noticed that the subject for the email has changed from "Praying and Building" to "Praying and Caring". This is to reflect that we are moving out of the building phase and into the patient and community caring work of this ministry. Pray for us as we continue to build our staff and as we open our hearts to where God will lead us to care for the community. We have been humbled as we look back at where we started and where we are currently. So many answers to prayer!
EEWSHM Praying and Building - 10-20-16
Acts 20:24 - But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
This work of building out this compound is coming up to the finishing point at which time the real work of sharing the love of God with our Haitian neighbors is beginning. The Medical Clinic opened its doors this week to the sick and hurting. Our group was able to offer some care and healing for those who came to us.
Please pray that we will keep our eyes open to where God will lead us as we strive to help others See Him more clearly. Your Name and renown are the desire of our hearts and the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God is our call.
Pics show the driveway work in front of the Medical Clinic and Eye Center.
EEWSHM Praying and Building 9/22/16
The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. - Proverbs 11:25
There has been a group at See Him this week working to get the Eye Center equipment installed and ready to go. We are coming to the final stages of preparation for the Medical Clinic and Eye Center. It can be difficult to wait on the Lord but we are excited that very soon we should be opening our doors to those in need in Haiti. We count on the wisdom from God in the passage above and the promise of being refreshed as we refresh others. Pray as we continue to assemble our team in Haiti and that we will have our eyes and hearts open to ways that we can partner with our friends in the community and love them well through the process of growing together in relationship. We have been blessed as God has been faithful to provide! Give us patience to trust Him each day and rest in His sufficiency!
Thankful for Julmice!
"I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly." - Ephesians 1:16
Please join me in thanking God for Julmice! He has been and continues to be amazing! He is a gentle leader and has had great influence on the men and women that he works with daily. He has embodied what we are trying to be about at Every Eye Will See Him ministries. When you look at Julmice, you are able to see Christ because Christ lives in Him and shines out through his life. He is not perfect as he would readily admit, BUT he has surrendered to letting his life be led by Christ. As we have been working together, we have all had some trying days but Julmice has remained humble as we navigate through different obstacles. I am grateful for our relationship and value it above any project or task. He has been a direct answer to my prayers as God has known all along that he would bring us all together and that he would use Julmice to help others in that little community in Haiti to see Jesus more clearly.