Julmice read John 17:3 - And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
What a great job Julmice and the construction team are doing! We are thankful to God as the Provider. He has been amazing to answer prayers and provide for our needs. Please continue to be faithful to intercede in prayer for us. Pray as we continue construction, work towards acquiring and shipping equipment, identify more team members for the staff on the ground in Haiti(Spirit-filled, servant-minded leaders). Pray for the board as we will be meeting in January to pray together and plan for the upcoming year.
It is hard to believe how far things have come and it is easy to become anxious or fearful. Pray that we are protected from that kind of thinking. God has been and will always be faithful. It is our position to just humbly wait on Him and trust Him for what we need when we need it. Sometimes, that is easier said than done but we are trying to be committed to relying on Kingdom power and not our own wisdom. Waiting on God, Fearless to Move, Trusting His Provision!